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*Trail Workdays | Natural Surface Trails | Throughout Montgomery Parks



Volunteer Weekend Trail Workday projects are a great way to support one of Montgomery Parks most popular facilities.

The minimum age to volunteer is 15 years old, however 13 & 14 year old's may volunteer if an adult family member participates with them.

All Volunteer Trail Workdays are SSL approved.

Click on Job Details (if showing) below and then Duties and Responsibilities to learn more. Click on the Schedule tab to find a date and time that works for you. If there is no Schedule tab, we do not have any workdays at this time. If you would like to get on a mailing list for future workdays, click on Apply.

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 13

Volunteer Type: Adult, Family, Senior (55+), Youth, Student Service Learning, Group, Scout, Corporate

Job Type: Event (1-7 days)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

*Weed Warrior Workday Events*



**This link is for Weed Warrior Event registration. If interested in training to become a Certified Weed Warrior, please visit this webpage for more information. **

A variety of non-native, invasive plant species are present in Montgomery Parks. By their nature, these plants can take over an area quickly and threaten our native plant communities and the wildlife that depends on them.

Join one of our Weed Warrior workday events to learn how you can help control non-native, invasive plants and preserve the health of our parks! Instruction and tools will be provided.

Events are held in parks throughout the county and are led by volunteer Weed Warrior Supervisors and/or park staff. See event description for exact locations, times and meeting points.

Each volunteer must register separately with their own account.

Most events are for ages 16+. For events that allow younger children, all volunteers 14 and under must be accompanied by a registered, responsible adult.

How to register

  • Click "Schedule"

  • Pick the shift you are interested in.

  • If you don''t have an account in our system, please create one.

  • If you already have an account in the database, but forgot your login info, email the WW Volunteer Coordinator, and don't create a new account.

** Please note: Court Ordered Volunteer Hours can't be granted through this workday.**

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 12

Volunteer Type: Adult, Family, Senior (55+), Youth, Student Service Learning, Group, Scout, Corporate

Job Type: Event (1-7 days)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

3/9/25 | Spring Cleanup Leader Training (18+)


11901 Claridge Rd
Wheaton, MD 20902


Co-hosted by Friends of Sligo Creek, Rock Creek Conservancy & Neighbors of the Northwest Branch

Join us for a hands-on training with experienced Cleanup Leaders and take home a Cleanup Kit!

We'll guide you through our current requirements, safety tips, and best practices. Regardless of your cleanup experience, this training will ensure you're fully prepared.

Wear shoes & clothing that can get dirty or wet. We'll demonstrate cleanups both in the park and along the stream.

Click on the schedule tab to sign up!
*If you are a volunteer with a watershed organization, use the group form and enter the organization name.

Event is rain or shine, except during inclement weather.

Supply distribution includes:
- Cleanup Kits
- SSL Forms for eligible group leaders
- Trash grabbers (limited supply, must return after cleanup)

Thank you for celebrating Earth Month with us!

Contact: volunteercleanups@montgomeryparks.org

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 18

Volunteer Type: Adult, Group, Scout, Corporate

Job Type: Event (1-7 days)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

Crafting for Animals | Meadowside Nature Center, Rockville


Meadowside Nature Center
5100 Meadowside Lane
Rockville, MD 20855


Volunteer your creativity in service of animal ambassadors at Meadowside Nature Center!

Each day, birds of prey are provided enrichment. These are opportunities for an animal to flex their natural behaviors, such as tearing, shredding, sensing novel scents or colors, hopping, or flying. Enrichment can come in the form of a keeper working with a bird or in an object with treats hidden inside.

These objects are crafted by hand out of recyclables and decorated with animal-safe materials and can take many shapes and sizes. Keepers go through 100s of them a month. This is where you come in.

Come join Meadowside staff in a group crafting session to create animal enrichment objects for owls, hawks, and a vulture. It''ll be a real HOOT of a time!

Two offerings
Saturday, March 8 at 12-1:30pm
Saturday, April 19 at 1-2:30pm


Individual and family volunteers can join this volunteer event. Children must be 8 years old or older. This event is SSL eligible for volunteers 14 and older.

  • Children under 14 years old must volunteer with a parent/guardian.

  • Students must register with their name to receive SSL hours.

  • This opportunity is not eligible for court-ordered service.

  • To add volunteers to a family group send us an email.

How to sign up
1. Select "Job Details"
2. Then the "Schedule" tab
3. Then the green button "Sign Up for Shift"

Please note that when an event fills up, it disappears from the schedule.

Minimum age of volunteers: 8

Volunteer Type: Adult, Family, Senior (55+), Youth, Student Service Learning, Group, Scout, Corporate

Job Type: Event (1-7 days)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

Eagle Scout Project | Meadowside Nature Center, Rockville


Meadowside Nature Center
5100 Meadowside Lane
Rockville, MD 20855


Join the Meadowside Nature Center team in a project that will benefit the community, the raptors, the reptiles, and the staff.

Animal Enrichment Project
Meadowside Nature Center is looking for scouts to lead their troop in building several items used for the welfare of animal ambassadors. These animal ambassadors are birds of prey that non-releasable into the wild, are cared for by nature center staff, and serve as ambassadors for their species.

Each day, birds of prey are provided enrichment. These are opportunities for an animal to flex their natural behaviors, such as tearing, shredding, sensing novel scents or colors, hopping, or flying. Enrichment can come in the form of a keeper working with a bird or in an object with treats hidden inside.

These objects are crafted by hand out of recyclables and decorated with animal-safe materials and can take many shapes and sizes. Keepers go through 100s of them a month--this is where you come in.

Learn about animal enrichment, how to create these objects, and how to lead your troop in group crafting sessions to create animal enrichment objects for owls, hawks, and a vulture. These objects will help us keep these animals healthy and wild and for them to continue thriving as ambassadors for their species! It''ll be a real HOOT of a time!

How to apply
1. Select "Job Details"
2. Then the "Apply" button
3. Fill out the application with a guardian

Once you apply, you will be referred to the position. This means the nature center volunteer coordinator will reach out to you to discuss the project and see if it will be a good fit for your interests. Not every Scout will be matched with this project; we will work with Scouts as space and time is available.

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 14

Volunteer Type: Youth, Scout

Job Type: Short-term (1-8 weeks)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

Eagle Scout Project | Montgomery Parks


Various Parks throughout Montgomery County



Thanks for thinking of Montgomery Parks as a place for your Eagle Scout project!

We often have ideas for potential Eagle projects, but the number of Eagle Scout candidates far outnumbers them. We often require the scout to seek out a suitable project and suggest it to us.

Choose a park location that is convenient to you and explore the area to see which amenities you can help create or restore. Park staff will work with you to review your project proposal prior to approval.

We are looking for scouts that are good communicators, can stick to a schedule and are hard workers!

Follow this link to see how we like to work with scouts: Eagle Scout Guidelines

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 14

Volunteer Type: Scout

Job Type: Event (1-7 days), Short-term (1-8 weeks)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

Girl Scout Silver and Gold Award Projects | Montgomery Parks


Throughough Montgomery County
Various Parks, MD


Montgomery Parks can be a great place for you to do your Girl Scout Silver or Gold Award projects!

Although sometimes Park Staff have projects in mind, the number of applicants far outnumbers them. It is often up to the scout to find a suitable project. We suggest you choose a park location that is convenient to you and explore the area to see what amenities you can help create or restore.

Park staff will work with you to review your project proposal prior to approval. The scout will then be responsible for good communication with Park Staff, and completing the project in a timely manner.

Sign up here and someone will be in touch soon to discuss the project with you!

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 14

Volunteer Type: Scout

Job Type: Event (1-7 days), Short-term (1-8 weeks)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

Groups looking for Projects in Parks!


Montgomery Parks


Are you a group leader looking to do some Team Building, have your group give back to the environment, or just them get out in the parks? We can help you with that!

We are always looking from groups like yours to help us with several types of projects in the parks, including Weed Warrioring (removing bad plants so good plants can thrive); Park Cleanups; Nature Center Projects (can including gardening/mulching/restoring play areas/trails/etc.); Gardening; helping New Trees Survive; Spreading Wood Fiber at Plagrounds and many more.

Contact our office by applying to this job, emailing parksvolunteers@montgomeryparks.org, or just give us a call at 301-495-2474.

We will need to know some basic information to set you up with the right project, including:
- Size and ages of group
- When and Where would be convenient for your group
- Any restrictions (need bathrooms, running water on site)
- Group Leader contact information (and anyone who needs to be copied on any correspondence.

Thanks - we look forward to working with your group on setting up a great project in the Parks!

When applying, choose the GROUP application with the Leader Contact information. Volunteer Group Leaders must be 18 or older, but group ages can range from 5 on up, depending upon the project.

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 5

Volunteer Type: Adult, Family, Senior (55+), Youth, Student Service Learning, Group, Scout, Corporate

Job Type: Event (1-7 days)

Click here for details and to apply

Job Details

Organize Your Own Group Cleanup Project (Cleanup Leader Registration)


Montgomery County, MD


Scout troops, corporate groups, student groups, and community organizations can schedule a private Park cleanup event. Work with your team to remove trash & litter from our Parks! We ask for a two weeks notice before your cleanup.

Group Leader requirements:
- Must be 18 years & up
- Must communicate all requirements and park policies with group members, and ensure fulfillment
- Participants in the cleanup may be of all ages, but those under 14 years old must have a parent/guardian with them

If you and your group can meet these requirements, register here (as a group) and we'll proceed with the next steps:

1. Confirm cleanup details (qualified park or trail, date, time, # volunteers)
2. Pick up your Cleanup Kit
3. Have a fun and safe cleanup!
4. Submit your cleanup results and your volunteer sign-in sheet

Click here for the complete guidelines to organize your cleanup!

If you are interested in offering SSL hours at your cleanup, please contact us for more information.

Background check required: No

Minimum age of volunteers: 18

Volunteer Type: Adult, Family, Senior (55+), Youth, Student Service Learning, Group, Scout, Corporate

Job Type: Event (1-7 days)

Click here for details and to apply

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